Have a Magnificent Day!

  More words of wisdom from Fenwick Holmes, “The Law of Mind In Action” and Francesca Martell: “One Pointedness is having a real image of what you want and not wavering from it.  Once you have definitely decided what you want you have created a thought-mold, which the creative force will proceed to fill.  Your…

My Godmother, Francesca will be celebrating her 90th birthday next week. We met in a flower shop on Broadway in NYC. back in 1984.  From that moment we became close friends and “Fabulous Francesca” has been sharing wisdom, inspiration and enlightenment with me. Francesca is my Spiritual Godmother and continues to teach and share with…

How do you create a better world? One person at a time and one moment at a time. This is it.  Your life is the way it is. This world is the way it is. This moment is the way it is. “If you resist it, it persists, get’s stronger and dominates you!”  Shya Kane…

Life is precious and so is each person that we lost in the 9/11 tragedy. I would like to tell you about Neil Levin: In early 2001, New York Gov. Pataki and then New Jersey Gov. Donald DiFrancesco named Levin as the Executive Director of the Port Authority.  In this role he was the chief…

Yesterday’s blog stressed the importance for you to feel good every day on a consistent basis. When you feel good or positive every cell in your body creates health and success. As soon as you feel bad or negative your cell’s health immediately deteriorates. So when you feel good, you tap into your highest resources…

  “You know how I feel It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new life For me And I’m feeling good” When do you want to feel good? Because feeling good is a choice. You can let people or circumstances dictate your feelings and your life. Or you can let go and…

God or the Universe does not make mistakes. There are no accidents or coincidences. This is the way it is. Everything in your life has led up to this moment and these exact circumstances. As they say in the game of poker, this is the hand you were dealt and this is the hand you…

  Want to have your best harvest ever? Here is some wisdom from the I Ching by Brian Browne Walker. You may notice that it is also relevant to the economic and political climate. There is a natural ebb and flow between the forces of light and dark in the world. Wisdom lies not in…

Hummingbirds know how to find the sweet juice. They zero right in on the most beautiful flowers full of sweetness and nectar. Life offers you many choices. You have to choose wisely to find your sweet juice. People, opportunities and situations are not always what they appear to be. They can also change in an…

Take a good look around and what do you see? How are people doing these days? What is the quality of our lives? Are we moving in the right direction? Do you notice how fast people are moving? They are walking on the street and driving their cars while talking on their phones and even…

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