Have a Magnificent Day!

  What lies beneath the surface of you? What lies hidden and waiting to be discovered underneath your many layers? What is that dream you desire? It is your true greatness, magnificence and brilliance. It is your true essence and abundance. It is your divine plan. This is your natural state. Your current life, your…

Like attracts like, so expect good things to come to you all the time in expected and unexpected ways. You have probably heard the expression “Attitude is everything.” Have you heard that “Attitude is Altitude?“ How successful do you want to be? How consistent are you in thinking positive thoughts, having positive feelings and saying…

Your body is a brilliant, self-healing mechanism. There are no mysteries regarding your health and life. Every condition you have is a direct result of the principles you follow. Every symptom you have is the effect of a specific cause. The way you feed, exercise and care for your mind and body determines your level…

  Even when the clouds fill the sky the sun is always shinning above. It is just a matter of perspective.  When life appears to be difficult, when you can’t seem to take any more, remember, the sun is always shining and there is a Higher Power. Every challenge makes you stronger. It urges you…

  From Mac Anderson: “Anything is possible for someone who has faith.” (Mark 9:23) Through faith in God in our lives, there is nothing that can overcome us. Yet, the realities of life bring distractions that can often times detour us to take a different road-map. In these times, it is essential that we have…

  There is no one else like you. You are one of a kind, unique, priceless. You have infinite potential. You have a special message to share. You are talented, creative and gifted. You are an expression of infinite intelligence. You have a song to sing. You have a masterpiece to create. Live the life…

  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of…

  I was in a restaurant having dinner with my wife. The food smelled great and the restaurant was not very busy. We were enjoying a nice meal and having a date. I was observing what was happening around me and I noticed that one of the waiters was running around like Speedy Gonzalez.  He…

Some words of wisdom from the I Ching by Brian Browne Walker:   Arriving at the correct solution to a difficult situation requires a receptivity to inner truth. Unless we are willing to put aside the strong emotions of our egos and devote ourselves to discovering what is right, there can be no hope of…

  from a dear friend:   An elderly carpenter was ready to retire.  He told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.  He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire.  They could get by. The contractor…

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