Have a Magnificent Day!

  “He who has health has hope, he who has hope has everything.”   “Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”   Facts: 8 out of 10 Americans over 25 are obese or overweight 1 out of every 2 Americans die from Heart Disease, Cancer, or Stroke Being overweight significantly increases this…

  Grooming for greatness starts as soon as possible. Follow the natural principles for success in all areas of your life at an early age and you will have the best possible foundation strongly in place for the rest of your life.   Keys to a Successful Life: Meditation Health Communication Relationships Career Meditation: One…

More incredible information from “The Science of Becoming Excellent,” by Wallace D. Wattles and Dr. Judith Powell: “You will never become great until your own thoughts make you great, and therefore it is of the first importance that you should THINK.  You will never do great things in the external world until you think great…

  Chameleons are amazing creatures. They can adapt to any environment and blend in. They blend in so well that they become almost invisible. Yet as you can see from this picture, chameleons are also quite colorful. You are also blessed with the ability to change and adapt to any situation, circumstance or environment.  You…

In reviewing one of my favorite authors, Wallace D. Wattles, “The Science of Becoming Excellent,” I came across some wonderful information that I want to share with you. “It is essential to our happiness that we should continuously advance.” To be successful, to be happy we must grow and develop in our lives or we…

  When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the coffee. A college professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large,…

Life sometimes brings powerful challenges that can cause you to lash out at yourself or others. Keeping you composure and sharing only positive, encouraging words is not always easy. One of the greatest lessons is learning how to deal with your own anger and moods. A good friend shared this story with me years ago………

Love makes everything better.  When your partner is also your best friend life it is a blessing.  True love is unconditional.  It is a gift to be able to share your life with someone who sees the best in you. There is the love of a friend, which is unique, because a true friend is…

“The greater the Struggle, the more glorious the Triumph.” If life was easy, how much would you really grow? How much would you appreciate your progress, development and achievement? The greater the goal or achievement the more challenging and worthy the journey. If you played golf and hit a hole in one every time without…

      Things change every moment. There is little that you can control in life. Try to fully control your own thoughts. Don’t think of a pink elephant. 🙂 The good news is you do have the freedom of choice.  You do have the ability to choose your own thoughts and actions.  You can…

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