Have a Magnificent Day!

Form the I Ching by Brian Browne Walker: “There are times when even a superior person is undermined by the time. It is natural that inferior elements periodically come to the forefront. Adversity is often a stimulant to our spiritual growth. What is most important is the spirit in which we meet it. When challenging…

Is life tough lately? Dealing with or feeling any stress in your health, relationships, career or finances? Life brings pain and discomfort and no one can escape it. By not resisting it you can transcend it. You can turn your disadvantages into advantages. The key is not necessarily doing something different, but being different. Allow…

The good news is you are totally responsible for your life. The bad new is you are totally responsible for your life. On the surface and as portrayed by the media, we are facing the toughest financial climate and world economy since the Great Depression.  People have lost their jobs, home values and retirement accounts are…

Although pictures are powerful, humans constantly talk; to ourselves and others. Your “self-talk” creates your feelings, actions and outcomes. With positive “self-talk” you empower your self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image. With negative “self-talk” you destroy it. Words are powerful: once you say something out loud, it cannot be taken back. Choose your words with care and…

From Catherine Ponder, “Open Your Mind to Prosperity:” “There is a way you can have everything and that is, by creating your good mentally first. It has been estimated that success may be as much as 98% mental preparation and only 2% outer action. There are three basic ways in which you may create your…

This is your day. This is your time to shine. Regardless of whatever you have created or experienced so far in your life, this is a brand new moment. Let go of whatever story you have and any beliefs of emotions associated and take a new breath. “It is a tremendous thing, this fact that…

  Question:    How do you create success? Answer:       One little moment at a time. Am I doing my best in this moment? Look inside your heart and listen to the still, small voice within.  That voice, your intuition, will always guide you. It is your compass, your true north. When you are sincere and…

What is it that you want most of all? Because you are a part of the great abundance of life. You can create anything you want as long as it does not violate natural law. For most of us, whatever we want starts within. At our core, we are energy and part of the creative…

“Life is very tricky and we must deal with it as it is. If we do not first master it ourselves we cannot help anyone else.”                                 Paramahansa Yogananda    “If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.”                                  Napoleon Hill “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”                                    Jim…

Tuesday is a special day. In the Bible, God blesses each day and on Tuesday God gives a Double Blessing. So expect a blessing each day and on Tuesday expect a double blessing. Here is a wonderful story that was e-mailed to John Randolph Price and is in his book, “Nothing Is Too Good To Be…

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