Have a Magnificent Day!

Siberian Tiger     “Life is a series of tests which, if squarely faced, give us greater mental strength and peace of mind.  Learn to rely more on your Heavenly Father for guidance and understanding.  Fill your empty moments with love for Him, and you will know that you are not alone.”                                                                                                                               Paramahansa…

         Today more than ever, we are looking for hope, inspiration and encouragement. This must be found within our own hearts and souls. There is so much beauty, love, joy and opportunity all around us. We must focus on the good, the positive and what is possible instead of looking toward the lack or limitation. Each…

A Mother’s Love – Unconditional The True Cause and Reversal of Human Disease By Dr. Mick Hall The core essence of what we are is Unconditional Love. When in a state of integrated harmony with our core essence, We are happy and content. Within this state of integrated harmony is found The true meaning of…

If there is light in the soul, there is beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there is peace in the heart.              Chinese proverb Let your light be a beacon. Share your joy, compassion and kindness…

How important is your environment to your health, well being and success? It is all important. Doesn’t your home and work environments affect your thoughts, feelings and actions? Doesn’t it affect your decisions and choices? The food you put in your body creates your health environment. The thoughts you think create your mind’s environment. The…

Every moment you have a choice. Life or death, positive or negative, ego/fear or love. You can build someone up or tear someone down. (And how you treat others is usually how you treat yourself and vice versa) What will you focus your energy and attention on? Because wherever you focus your energy, there you…

 A friend shared a great quote with me recently from Woody Allen. “80% of success is showing up!” This is your life and it is definitely not a dress rehearsal. This is it.  This moment is all you have. Are you giving it your best? It does not matter what your situation or circumstances are.…

What a fascinating world we live in now. Certainly these are interesting times. It is a marvel of technology, cell phones, iPads, notebooks, laptops, computers and flatscreens. How does it all work? What about all of these people and things I have to deal with? How do I keep balanced and focused in a healthy way?…

From the I Ching by Brian Browne Walker: “All clans and families must have a superior person at their center if they are to prosper and succeed. Therefore, in order to improve your family, company, nation or world community, YOU must begin by improving yourself. If you observe healthy families you will always see present…

Can you remember when you were creative and curious like a child? Do you remember being so excited about life and the many new wonders you were discovering each day?  Can you remember having fun and being playful?  What would happen if you brought this level of enthusiasm and energy into your life now? What would happen if you expect…

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