Have a Magnificent Day!

Many people get together and spend time over this holiday weekend. It is good to have fun and share a nice meal together. Make the most out of your time and share the joy.    There is much to be thankful for.  Look around at the special people in your life. Acknowledge their love, support…

  The Golden Rule – Be Kind To Others. Be kind to every living creature. Be kind to you. A wise woman said, “There is always a nice way to say everything.” A wise man said, “Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said.” Life is precious. People may not…

Humpback Whales, also known as, “Megaptera Novaeangliae.” These whales date back to over 50 million years in evolution. Humpback whales grow to be about 52 feet (16 m) long, weighing 30-50 tons. The four-chambered heart of the average humpback whale weighs about 430 pounds (195 kg) – about as much as three average adult human…

The people who you spend the most time with contribute greatly to the quality of your life and success. Your inner network, your “clan” is actually your advisory board. The fact is that you learn the most from the examples and patterns of the people you spend your time with. It is as simple as…

  Perseverance – to persist in spite of difficulties. Life here on planet earth can be a test of faith, belief and proper principles. There are moments and situations we each face that force us to go to the very core of our beingness and faith. To persevere through life’s hardships is to demonstrate true courage and determination.…

  Isn’t it amazing how God created this world? How everything connects and one thing leads to another? Look at many of the everyday occurrences and calculate the odds of them happening. There is truly a divine plan.   Today is a special day for our family. It is our son, Jerome’s birthday. He was…

   True success is based on gradual and consistent growth. Every step brings you closer to your goal. Make sure that you allow yourself to acknowledge and feel all of your good. Drink the sweet nectar of your success and joy and let it feed your soul and spirit. There is no such thing as…

Whatever you want to create in life requires total faith, belief and commitment. When I jumped out of an airplane I relied on total faith.  When I took that last step out of the plane, I had definitely made a total commitment.  There was no going back.  I was “All In” or in this case, completely commited.…

           Clear Vision – Flight of Freedom Once you have completed your Elimination List and created a vacuum for what you want in your life, you are ready to create your Game Plan for $uccess. GAME PLAN FOR $UCCESS: Vision: Purpose: Promises: Action Steps:      Vision and purpose are ongoing and expansive.  Your vision is…

                          Golden-Helicon Butterfly There is an old Hindu legend that tells when the Gods were making the world they asked, ‘Where can we hide the most valuable of treasures, so that they will not be lost? How can we hide them so that the lust and greed of men will not steal or destroy them.  What…

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