Have a Magnificent Day!

Our world is changing rapidly. The computer age has forever changed our world. There is one time zone. It is the “now.” So many people want everything now. They want instant gratification. People want to be overnight successes. As much as the Internet has added to communication and the distribution of information, it does not…

You are totally unique. There is no one else who can be exactly like you or express yourself the way that you do. You have special gifts and talents that no one else has. You are one of a kind and irreplaceable. Give yourself permission to be the unique expression that you are. Let go…

Do something for you that nourishes and refreshes your spirit and essence. Take a walk in nature or on the beach. Make yourself a healthy and tasty meal. Take a hot bath by candlelight. Read an inspiring book. Help a friend, encourage someone around you. There are special people in your life that fill you…

In the French Alps, out of the side of a rock, grows a beautiful purple plant. Out of seemingly impossible circumstances, God’s beauty grows and thrives. Life can appear barren and bleak, almost hopeless. And yet something incredible emerges and new life blossoms. Our minds are quite limited compared to infinite consciousness and infinite intelligence.…

Life can be full of beautiful sunflowers and nature’s bounty. Enjoy the splendor and drink it in. Life can also be challenging and at times requires you to dig down to the depths of your soul. In these times, you are forced to tap into your faith and trust in the goodness of life. No…

Regardless of your present circumstances, anything is possible. You can only achieve that which you see yourself achieving. What is your vision, what do you see for yourself? Tune into the specific details in each area of your life and career. What is your true passion and desire? What do you want to create? What…

We live in interesting times. The advances of technology bring us information around the world instantly. The past few years have brought financial challenges and upheavals the likes of which most people have never seen or experienced before in their lifetimes. The middle east is going through radical changes. Terrorist activity – any type of violence against…

What happens when life appears with a major challenge on your path? After all, it is only temporary, this too shall pass. First, do you acknowledge the situation and take a good, objective look? Do you have faith that even the biggest challenge will work out for the best? Life always gives you exactly what you need…

“From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven, and when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, the streams of light flow together and a single brighter light goes forth from that united being.”                                                                   Ba’al Shem Tov “The minute I heard my first love story I…

    My wife is going to be on TV this Saturday sharing her experiences with our son, Jerome, who was killed in a car accident at 26 years old.  It is a remarkable story. Dear Family and Friends, It is hard to believe that Jerome has been gone for over 7 years – and we…

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