Have a Magnificent Day!

You are given two beautiful eyes to see. But your heart and intuition may see even more clearly. When you have a desire or outcome that you want, it colors your perceptions. It actually can change what you are looking at so that it appears the way you want it to. Sometimes you want something so…

What a glorious adventure. Maybe that is why it is called, “The Game of Life.” Sometimes we take things so seriously. Maybe we should remember that in the middle of enlightenment is “light.” After all, what is the worst that could happen? And how often does that even happen? Scientists have proven that only 5-8% of…

From Roy Eugene Davis – www.csa-davis.org: Your highest spiritual good prevails when you are always conscious of your true nature as an immortal, spiritual being in relationship with the Infinite.  At the innermost level of your being you are whole, pure, serene and knowledgeable.  Allow your innate qualities and capacities to emerge and be fully…

Life presents you with the exact lesson you need to learn every moment. It requires awareness, acceptance and discernment to receive it. There is a constant rhythm to life, an ebb and flow of energy. Going with life’s flow allows you to receive and not waste your energy resisting the moment. Sometimes it is not always clear…

Form the I Ching or Book of Changes by Brian Browne Walker: In the face of rising tension, keep still. A difficult and challenging time must be taken as an opportunity to express in the outer world our highest inner principles.  In this way, even the most arduous trials can be successfully met. Others are…

  Sometimes in life you can find yourself in interesting and challenging situations. You may ask yourself, how did I get here? Sometimes you are not sure how to move forward from your present situation.  It is wise to tune into your intuition and focus on the present. Observe what is around you and feel…

Is there something that you said or did that you feel bad about? Is there something that you did not say or do that you feel bad about? Are there any negative thoughts or judgments about others that you have that bother you? Are there and negative thoughts or judgments about yourself that you have…

“Today is the day of my Amazing Good Fortune.” Everything is the world is made of energy. It is all around you in different shapes, colors, patterns and sizes. There are opportunities all around you. You are a powerful magnet and attract whatever you radiate. What is it that you really want and desire? Is…

The greatest tragedy contains within it a miraculous opportunity. This is the duality of life. For every death there is a rebirth. It is the Phoenix rising through the flames of its own ashes…..transcending all. Let us send our unconditional love and compassion to Japan. Let us also give this unconditional love and compassion to ourselves…

  One moment a caterpillar dies and becomes a cocoon. Another moment the cocoon transforms into a magnificent butterfly and new life. One moment water is a liquid. Another moment it is ice. One moment you feel pain. Another moment you feel healed. Life is miraculous. Change is constant in life, but transformation happens instantaneously.…

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