Have a Magnificent Day!

A wonderful metaphor: A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up.  She was tired of fighting and struggling.  It seemed as one problem was solved, a…

  I wish for you… Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, Rainbows to follow the clouds, Laughter to kiss your lips, Sunsets to warm your heart, Gentle hugs when spirits sag, Friendships to brighten your being, Beauty for your eyes to see, Confidence for when you doubt, Faith so that you can believe,…

Life is quite simple when we live from our heart. Have you noticed that it is difficult, if not impossible to have a relationship with someone in your head? All relationships requires love, care and encouragement to grow and thrive. True communication requires being present and active listening. We all need nurturing. We are like…

Today, March 9th, is a unique day.    On March 9, 1936, Sri Yukteswar entered mahasamadhi, a God, illumined master’s conscious exit from the body at the time of physical death.  Sri Yukteswar was the beloved guru of Paramahansa Yogananda. “The root of pain is egoistic actions, which (being based on delusions) lead to misery.” “As man…

From Paramahansa Yogananda’s “The Divine Romance.” “The relationship that exists between friends is the grandest of human loves.  Friendly love is pure, because it is without compulsion.  One freely chooses to love his friends; he is not bound by instinct.  The love that manifests in friendship can exist between man and woman, woman and woman…

Today marks the anniversary of Yogananda’s mahasamadhi. On March 7, 1952, the great guru, Paramahansa Yogananda entered mahasamadhi, a God-illumined master’s conscious exit from the body at the time of physical death.   His passing was marked by an extraordinary phenomenon.  A notarized statement signed by the Director of Forest Lawn Memorial -Park testified: “No…

I was speaking with a my Stepfather, Henry as his 94 year old sister passed away. I was calling to give to him some comfort and to let him know I care. Henry is an amazing person.  Even in his grief he shared something special with me. He said, “Sometimes God puts you on your…

  “There is a fundamental purpose of our lives.  To know it, we must understand where life comes from and where it is going,  look beyond our immediate goals to what we ultimately want to accomplish and consider life’s highest potential for development.” Paramahansa Yogananda   Life is a journey; a learning process for us…

  “The most I can do for my friend is simply be their friend.” Henry David Thoreau   Today I heard a story about how one friend helped another. They cared enough about someone else to do what most people would not. It could be something small or it could be something big. But, it…

“It’s not the load that breaks you down… it’s the way you carry it.” Lena Horne Lena Horne, an incredible singer and entertainer, was acknowledged on the Academy Awards show last night. Lena Horne led the way for black people in Hollywood, movies and television. She was the Jackie Robinson of the Entertainment industry. Her…

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