Have a Magnificent Day!

  Life is so interesting. You can want something so badly and then when it comes you push it away. Sometimes our minds or old patterns of behavior (mostly fear) get in the way of success.  Just when an opportunity finally presents itself our minds over-analyze the situation. We come up with logical reasons why…

You are the source of your life. You are the source of your beliefs, values, actions and results. This also equates with the fact that you are totally responsible for your life and choices.  Often, life presents itself differently than we would like…..things happen. This could be in your personal relationships, health, home, financial situation,…

The people you spend the most time with greatly impact your life.  They shape your beliefs, values and color your world.It is important to have good role models who are examples of proper principles. Who do you learn from?Who do you spend your time with?Do they inspire and uplift you?Are they good examples of kindness,…

  From the Teachings of Roy Eugene Davis: The thoughts you habitually think, your mental attitudes and emotional states, reactions to events, personal relationships and actions are chosen by you.  How you think and behave determines your existing circumstances and those you will experience in the near and distant future.  If you want any aspect of your…

From The I Ching, by Brian Browne Walker   The Power of the Great. To achieve true power and true greatness one must be in harmony with what is right. False power and false greatness can be seen all around us in the world. Through egotistical and aggressive manipulations many people obtain a temporary position…

   The biggest challenges provide the biggest opportunities for growth and success. All of the world is focused on Egypt right now. It is interesting that for the moment, the problem is not the Jews and the Arabs. Now it is the people of Egypt declaring that they want a better life and better government.…

  It is amazing how much information is being broadcasted on TV, The Internet & The Media.  All types of drama unfolding in the Middle East. Politicians make their positions clear, reporters and the media use the drama to sell their point of view, governments take their stand for the world to see.  Yet the…

  “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”   I remember hearing these words every time I went to see Eric Butterworth’s Sunday Service at Avery Fisher Hall in NYC.  They are nice words, beautiful words and they may be the first steps to consciously creating peace.  Most importantly, we…

From a friend…    Imagine that you had won the following prize in a contest:  Each morning your bank deposits $86,400.00 in your  private account for your use. The First Set of Rules:       Everything that you do not spend during each day will be taken away from you.       You may not simply transfer money into some other account. You…

‘People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances.  The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.’                           George Bernard Shaw   Today is about you. Today…

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