Have a Magnificent Day!

Thoughts are things. They combine with our beliefs and feelings and create our reality. It is how we perceive life that makes the difference in how we see things. Our filters either create truth or deception. With the freedom to choose our thoughts comes the importance of accurate perceptions. If we color what we see…

For every tragedy, there are a thousand joys. For every setback, there are countless ways to go positively forward from it. As painful as the losses can be, love will heal to an even greater degree. In the darkest of times, hope shines more brightly than ever. What you have is so much more than…

So many people are struggling and calling out for help. People keep talking about the financial challenges brought on by the recession. The recession was caused by people and their greed. There is a way out and there is an answer to people’s prayers. The Greatest Source of all life is the answer. God is…

  You are blessed with the Freedom of Choice. You can create anything you want in your life. God blesses you with the co-creative ability as a Spiritual Being. You are blessed with God’s unconditional love. Whatever you choose for yourself in your thoughts, feelings, words and actions are yours. God does not control you…

“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”             Rumi   Good Morning My Love, I can see your eyes shining with God’s light as they open as you awake. They are more…

  Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Education must precede motivation. Jim Rohn   All advancement and progress come through ideas, not through physical force or mechanical force.                                                                                         Ralph Waldo Emerson   You created the stories in your mind that continue to empower your limitations.| These…

‘We are on earth but a little while.  The real reason for being here is very different from what most people imagine.  There is a fundamental purpose for our lives.  To know it, we must know life’s origin and where it is going, look beyond our short-term goals to what we ultimately want to accomplish,…

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”                         Martin Luther King   “When I despair, I think that throughout history the way of peace and love has always prevailed.  There are tyrants and murderers who rise and fall and for a time may seem invincible.  But in the end…

These past few years have been some of the toughest times and challenges that our generation has ever faced.  We are learning to empower ourselves and become successful, to educate ourselves, to be responsible for our health and life. We are learning to follow our intuition. We must acknowledge there is a Higher Power and…

“I can turn failure into success, disappointment into increased understanding and loss into gain.” Emerson stated in his essay Compensation that for everything you lose, you gain something. For every loss there is a gain, so let go of the loss and accept the gain.   “I will restore to you the years which the…

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