Have a Magnificent Day!

My friend Dan Vega shares that Self Worth = Net Worth. To manifest wealth in physical, material terms and to maintain it you must have the self worth inside.   The most important distance we all must travel is the twelve inches between our own ears.What we think about ourselves and believe to be true about…

In 1984 I met a man, named Michael Wyman.  He was truly extraordinary and taught a workshop called The Power of Acknowledgement.  Michael had a special way of being with people that they felt safe and could share their deepest feelings, fears and desires.  Michael truly cared for people and he listened from his heart…

  Be clear on what you want and what your vision is.Focus on the results you want and why they are important to you.   Make sure that it is what you want and not what others want for you.  Discover your passion and your dream.   Then take action and keep taking action.  …

Are you satisfied with your life? Do you have good health, good relationships with God, your family and with people both personally and professionally?   Do you love the work you do and are you prosperous?Do you feel joy and are you fulfilled?   If you want to make any changes or transform your life in…

One thing is for sure, if we do not do something different, nothing will change. So, go ahead and take the first step now.   Life is incredible when we do what is in front of us and take it one step at a time. Wonderful opportunities have a way of showing up that are…

Life is a journey. We are always in the process of becoming what we are and actualizing our full, creative potential.   Goals are wonderful and they are measuring points to see if we are on purpose in our lives. Have you noticed that once you achieve a goal, even if it is very important…

  Your highest good and truest possibilities cannot be taken from you. It is your Divine Heritage.   It is for you to claim. Be open and listen to that “still, small voice within.”   Listen and follow your intuition when it speaks.Take action when it is appropriate.   There is a Divine Plan for…

See yourself as a young tree now……   The ground around you is fertile; sun, water and wind are plentiful. By maintaining your focus on moving upward toward light, clarity and purity you can reach great heights.   Stay balanced, innocent and correct and good fortune is assured.   God will provide the solution to…

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”                                Wayne Dyer   Respond to life and situations instead of reacting to them. There is a significant difference between a response and a reaction.   By responding, I have the opportunity to look, see and feel what is happening.…

From the I Ching or Book of Changes by Brian Browne Walker; The I Ching is more than just a book, it is a living, breathing oracle, an all seeing teacher. It has survived for thousands of years and is regarded as the foundation text of Chinese wisdom and philosophy.  It was instrumental to sages…

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