Have a Magnificent Day!

It’s time to go for it.What do you really want?   Stop letting all of those reasons and excuses hold you back. Go for your dream now.   Take whatever action you can and keep moving forward. Stop listening to the news and all of that negative stuff and go for it.   For things…

“The Success of a Physical Life is Beautiful, most worthy, but the Perfection of Yourself is a thousand times more valuablethan all of the wealth you can accumulate about you.” The following message was hung in the office of Mother Teresa:  ANYWAYPeople are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may…

More words of wisdom from Catherine Ponder’s ‘The Millionaire Moses’: You must learn to claim your good in the face of opposition and in the midst of hard conditions. We all deal with feelings of depression and discouragement that confront us when challenges arise to affect our dreams, desires and emotions. These appear as problems…

  We live in interesting times. We are in the middle the most powerful economic crises since the Great Depression. It is being called the ‘Great Recession.’   Most importantly, it is a time of great learning and transformation. Throughout history, we have experienced great challenge and always survived and risen above to greater heights.…

Question: “What thing about humanity surprises you the most?”  The Dalai Lama’s answer was as follows: Man Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.Then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his health.Then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present,and as a result he does not…

Our natural, God given state is joy. When we are born there is joy.   God has no prejudice in his love for us all. God has an abundance of love for us all.   Regardless of race, creed, color, sex or religion, God loves us all. In every person there is a heart and…

Happiness, joy is our natural state. Life is wonderful and life is good.   When you feel good, that feeling (energy) flows out and people around you sense & feel it.Good feelings, happiness, joy, love, enthusiasm are contagious.   No one can resist an enthusiastic person.   The better you feel the more good you…

I am reading ‘The Millionaire Moses,’ by Catherine Ponder. It is a wonderful book full of examples to create a prosperity consciousiness.   The Bible and Old Testament are full of powerful examples of history that repeat themselves over time.The stories are metaphors that we can learn from and use in own current lives and…

No One Can Withhold Your Good From You!   Many of us think that other people can affect our results.  That other people help or hurt us and that the we receive our good from outside circumstances, people or events. ‘Our good comes to us from within our own being.  God is the fountainhead of…

You have heard the expression that the only thing constant in life is change.Most things change every moment.   Isn’t is comforting to know that the Natural Laws and Universal Principles remain constant?The Golden Rule never changes and never will change.   The 10 Commandments are universal.Being kind to one another is forever.   When…

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