light illusion

As Proverbs reminds us – “There is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Yet the tunnel fills us with a darkness so deep, we are left breathless, hopeless and lost in our suffering. It’s a black hole of hopelessness.

When you’re inside that tunnel and the darkness is all you can see and feel, it’s difficult to imagine there may be hope. The darkness can suck all the life out of you, and take you further than feeling lost, desolate, disconsolate – sadly some are nipped or engulfed by thoughts of suicide.

The tunnel is the feeling of falling. The darkness is falling into oblivion.

When you’re in the tunnel, you can’t see any light.

If you’re there, take time out, be patient, and seek help wherever you can find it. Suffering alone makes the whole experience of despair deeper. There is help available, and there are those who do understand.

The light at the end of the tunnel is no illusion; the tunnel is. The tunnel is the illusion of separation, the illusion of being alone, the illusion of being lost.

“We are all on the same path… Our separation from each other is an illusion of consciousness.” ~ Albert Einstein

Life is an imperfect experience, a journey that, for everyone, contains light and dark aspects. Suffering is part of growth.

There are choices to be made about whether to focus on the tunnel, or take positive active steps to shift into the light. Yet, I understand that in the tunnel, it feels hopeless, and it feels like there is no choice. I’ve been there. There is no judgment in the tunnel of despair. How can one judge another’s suffering?

Darkness imprisons us in fear, love liberates us from the tunnel of despair.

I believe we do have power to overcome suffering, although it may not always disappear. Until one reaches one’s last breath, there will still be a new sunrise on the horizon, a new day, a new breath, something to look forward to.

In the tunnel, the world makes no sense, and we are brought to a place we would do anything to avoid. Yet, the tunnel is there, it lies relentlessly in our consciousness like a noose held tightly around our neck. We feel strangled by fear and loss.

The dark tunnel is the strangulation – it feels like one cannot breathe – one has nowhere to go but to vanish and be swallowed up into the earth’s abyss.

The vacuum is not the end of the road. There is a new beginning and a new hope, a new light around the corner. Stay present to the breath….

Some Helpful Suggestions:

    • Take a moment outside to connect to the ground preferably barefoot, and hug a tree, take some deep breaths and keep breathing deeply as long as you can. Don’t think of anything, just focus on your breath.
    • Go for regular walks in nature. If you can get a friend or partner to join you, even better.
    • Find ways to take small positive actions like connecting with an old friend, going for a walk, going to an exercise class, doing something you enjoy.
    • Reach out to others who understand and can support you.
    • Don’t give up on the light. There are people and organisations who can help. Keep moving forward even if you have to force yourself to consciously take it one step at a time.
    • Reach out your hand, reach out your hand. Give hope a chance.

Dedicated to those amongst us who may be feeling the pain of darkness. Please share with those who may be suffering with depression, confusion or loss. Somebody may benefit from your caring intervention.

Remember, we are all one.


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David G. Arenson ND, Australia’s Leading Soul-Coach, Keynote Speaker and Healer
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