getting thru ROUGH

Looking back, you know that you are a survivor. You got this far!

Going back to your very conception, there were hundreds of thousand and perhaps even millions of competitor sperm that you overcame. You are an almighty WINNER. In relative terms, you WON the LOTTERY of life itself! Congratulations! Do you think that is an accident?

You are alive. I know many people, myself included, are going through challenging times. It’s part of the transformation of the species and planetary system. It’s inevitable that transformation is tough. Imagine the heat of fire that can burn away entire forests. This energy can be used in life for transformation. The fire element is also painful. Its power can devastate.

So, if you are feeling this way at the moment, know that you are not alone. Your pain is not without reason. You are a SURVIVOR. You will get through this.

Love and light

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