We are inside a bubble of perception.
Often we forget who we are, what we are, how wonderful life and the whole Creation is. The mere act of breathing (which we take for granted until we have a health problem) is magical. Breathing is alchemical and connects us to life itself. Within all beings is something beautiful. All God-given creatures are innately and inherently sacred. All of life is sacred.
What people are seeking is seeking them. What people are seeking is inside of them already. It is waiting, it is asking them to wake up. It is tapping them on the shoulders.
Life is a continuous experience. We are continuously evolving.
The feeling of wholeness and completion that comes from living your purpose – is something akin to “following your bliss” – feeling on top of the world. There’s nothing that can beat this feeling. My purpose has been waiting for me all my life, tapping me on the shoulder, nagging my soul. It’s always there, crying out to be heard and satisfied. It never disappears – and you cannot escape it!
What gets in the way is the ego…