Via FlickrBeloved.

What if you feel you’ve dropped into the depths of darkness and the void of despair? If you are in a tunnel, help is at hand. It’s called “the light.”

I know how the tunnel fills us with a darkness so deep, we are left breathless, hopeless and lost in our suffering. It can certainly feel like a black hole of hopelessness.

When you’re inside that tunnel and the darkness is all you can see and feel, it’s difficult to imagine there may be hope. The darkness can suck all the life out of you, and take you further than feeling lost, desolate, disconsolate – sadly some are nipped or engulfed by thoughts of suicide.
The tunnel is the feeling of falling. The darkness is falling into oblivion. When you’re in the tunnel, you can’t see any light.
If you’re there, take time out, be patient, and seek help wherever you can find it. Suffering alone makes the whole experience of despair deeper. There is help available, and there are those who do understand.

The light at the end of the tunnel is no illusion; the tunnel is. The tunnel is the illusion of separation, the illusion of being alone, the illusion of being lost.

“We are all on the same path… Our separation from each other is an illusion of consciousness.” ~ Albert Einsteinmidrash

There are choices to be made about whether to focus on the tunnel, or take positive active steps to shift into the light. There is no judgment in the tunnel of despair. How can one judge another’s suffering?

I believe we do have power to overcome suffering, although it may not always disappear. Until one reaches one’s last breath, there will still be a new sunrise on the horizon, a new day, a new breath, something to look forward to. Life is an imperfect experience, a journey that, for everyone, contains light and dark aspects. Suffering is part of growth. Goethe said, “the point of life is life.”

As the Midrash teaches, “Had I not fallen, I would not have arisen. Had I not been subject to darkness, I could not have seen the light.” Remember – you are not alone – never were. We are together in this human incarnation experience. Breathe deeply my love.


You are a creation of God.

This is why you really are good enough.
You are awesome as you are, and I love you!
And if you love me back, please click ‘share’ up at the top!

David Starlyte (ND) – Australia’s Leading Soul-Coach, Speaker and Ascension-Guide.

My guidance is channeled from Spirit, channeled from the STARS. I’m a gateway, or portal to soul enlightenment (basically self-knowledge). Find out more about me:

Follow me on Facebook: davidstarlyte

Image source: Via Flickr

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