Active and passive qualities, masculine and feminine qualities – we all share them. If we remain entirely passive, usually nothing will get done, and we could easily become lonely and depressed. So it depends what you seek, what makes you happy, what you would like to choose for yourself. Like most things, usually a middle ground or centre is optimal (and spiritual) involving active embodiment and manifestation and passive surrender and inner peace.
This center approach is most important during the fiery month of AUGUST. Staying centered and not allowing the massive and polarising forces of fear and division to confuse and break up your centeredness. I understand that trying to stay neutral in the face of onrushing tsunami-like waves is easier said than done, yet that is the challenge offered by this month.
Waves of separation and disunity are sent to us as a disruption. In chaos, the powerful reign supreme. As entropy sets in, division and polarity is fostered, breeding and empowering the dark arts to rule the light-forces, or “white-hats.”

Stay above this tide. Stay in the light.

Remember that you are a divine soul sent to ascend in these tumultuous times. You are here to be a gateway and gatekeeper for the multidimensional world we will soon enter into. You are not reading this by accident either. It’s being sent for your learning, for your upgrades, for your ascension into an autonomous being.


I have been meaning to update this blog so many times, and many things on my mind.

I have a regular meditation group (free) – please feel free to attend any time (online via zoom). To attend, feel free to message me directly ( and I will send you the link. Or simply register here by clicking on this link: ZOOM
I am busy with various artworks. For updates on my artwork, to order or commission artwork (originals, prints and original Starlyte merchandise, please check in at this website:
 – also I share my ideas and creative visions on instagram/davidstarlyte

Lots of love to you in these somewhat challenging times,


In the words of St. Francis of Assisi, “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.”

PS. If you are suffering, feel free to reach out. I don’t promise to answer every email, just to do my best within the limits of my time and energy:

Featured Images: Via PIXABAY

You are awesome as you are, and I love you! And if you love me back, please click ‘share’ up at the top!
Please follow me on Facebook: davidstarlyte and Instagram: davidstarlyte
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