In my feeling-body, I have an awareness–call it being mindful of the sensation or lightness of being. My feeling-body is that essence of personality and feeling that I carry with me wherever I go. In this space of feeling, resides my inner child, because it is this energy that we have carried with us since…

When I was much younger, I remember being mesmerised by adult interactions. Not for the content, what interested me more was the emotional responses. I couldn’t understand why certain ideas would create vehement emotions, often with seemingly instantaneous and irrational exuberance. It made no sense why adults took themselves so seriously, and stuck to emotional…

We live in a state of constant flux, yet we suffer with dreams of permanence. We are like flowers who never knew that we were OKAY, so constantly search for external colour and reach for unreachable dreams. We are like blossoms that can never see our blossoming. Because we are too busy looking outside of…

As a child, a member of my family would frequently burst into rage. He had bouts of anger so destructive and extreme, he became like a raging inferno. I learnt early on that you cannot reason with emotion. You cannot try to reason with senseless outbursts, or violence. You cannot try to think your way…

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