Articles that attempt to deconstruct, analyze and explain faith and religion in purely scientific terms always remind me of academic studies that attempt to explain why a particular joke is funny. With a joke, you usually either get it or you don’t. Reverse engineering a joke is so detached from the actual experience of humor…

A great article by Jonathan Merritt in the New York Times this past Sunday: It’s Getting Harder to Talk About God.  This is the kind of article I really enjoy reading. After growing  up in his faith and receiving higher education at religious institutions, the author moved to New York City (a detail which I…

Reading the Gospel of John ‘This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world.’ This passage from John 6:1-29 is included in the revised common lectionary provided by the Vanderbilt Divinity Library. The text is from the NRSV. You can hear a recording of this passage here Reading the Gospel aloud invites…

Reading the Gospel of Mark 6:14-29 “…and yet he liked to listen to him…” The reading of Mark 6:14-29 is included in the revised common lectionary provided by the Vanderbilt Divinity Library. The text is from the NRSV. You can hear a recording of this passage here. Reading the Gospel aloud invites the audience to…

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