don't we look cool?
Here are the girls and I heading off to buy some challah on our brand new Xtracycle. I recently accepted a full time job for next year, and decided to splurge on something that I’d wanted for a long time. We’ve had our SUB* for 3 days and we’ve already gone to the grocery store, the hair salon, 3 friends’ houses, school, and to drop of a rug at the cleaners’ all with pure pedal power. It’s much easier to use than the Burley – no attaching and unattaching the trailer, over and over again – and a zillion time more versatile than a tag-a-long. Consequently, I’m motivated to bike more than ever before. Which is good for my health, my wallet, and the earth. And, I guess, the Jews.
Shabbat Shalom!
*sports-utility bike