There are some topics that want, or feel I ought, to teach my children about, but I just don’t know how. Maybe I don’t know where to start, or what language to use, or what information is developmentally appropriate to mention. For some parents, that might be the where do babies come from conversation. But…

Tu B’Shevat, also known as the New Year of the Trees, (also also known as “the Jewish Arbor Day,” as if anyone even knows what regular Arbor day is…) falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. If you live in Israel, then you have some chance of seeing trees in bloom.…

On Monday, the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee announced this year’s winning titles. This annual award, named for the author of the beloved All of A Kind Family Series (who also was kind enough to be my occasional pen pal as a child), recognizes “outstanding books of Jewish content for children.” Because I write a monthly…

I grew up in Pikesville, a predominately Jewish suburb of Baltimore. There were many advantages to growing up in a large Jewish community, but by the time I was a senior in high school, I knew I wanted out of suburbia (Jewish or not) for good. My search for a place to call home led…

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