Believe it or not, I like bad reviews. The good ones, anyway. I appreciate criticism of my writing that helps me become better at what I do. The review of Mezuzah on the Door that I quote most often is that the dialogue is, at times, “stiffly didactic.” It’s true, and one of the things…

We definitely aren’t the first family to celebrate the eighth night of Hanukkah by making, lighting and then eating our menorah. Google “cupcake menorah” if you don’t believe me. But, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to blog about it. Who ever accused me of being original? I used Martha Stewart’s yellow cupcake and frosting recipe,…

Last night, I had to exaplain to Zoe that our plans to make jelly dougnuts were put on hold because her sister was running a 101 fever. She was none too thrilled by this information.  “We don’t really do anything Jewish for Hanukkah,” she cried. “All we do is light some stupid candles.” Mind you,…

Now that I teach full time, a lot of my best “parenting'” work happens with other people’s children. I’m not sure what that might mean for the future of homeshuling (school-shuling just doesn’t have the same ring to it) but I thought I’d share a blog post from my Gan blog. I think this activity…

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