Kristin Chenoweth has what’s called crossover appeal. Already, she’s a Broadway diva (“Wicked”), television actress (“The West Wing”), and celebrity spokeswoman (Old Navy commericals), and has a burgeoning film career (the upcoming “Pink Panther”). She’s also a good Christian girl with a Contemporary Christian Music recording career, as well as a gay icon (see “Broadway diva”).

Now she’s breaking new ground as a cheesy bikini model. Clad in very little, Chenoweth appeared in a recent issue of the young men’s magazine FHM. (Click here to see the feature in question, but if you’re offended by such things, don’t say we didn’t warn you.) The magazine’s editors also note Chenoweth’s contradictions, but choose to lead with, “She’s 4-foot-11 and tips the scales at 95 pounds, yet she sports an Amazonian’s curves.”

So far, there is little likelihood that Chenoweth’s audiences will come together in numbers large enough to spark angry clashes, but with her big-screen career picking up speed, it may be wise to avoid multiplexes where her name is on the marquee.

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