It’s impossible for me to think of a more oversaturated section of the contemporary Christian music market than the adult contemporary/worship genre, but John Waller–a worship leader and former member of the group “According to John”–has entered that arena with a respectable debut entitled “The Blessing.” Fans of groups like Mercy Me and singers like Matt Redman will enjoy the tender, spiritual reflections on this CD, and I am guessing one or two of the songs are destined to become the latest worship hits in evangelical churches across the country.

While all of the songs have an intimate, personal feel to them, musically, many of the songs–like “Identity” and “Breathe on Me”–have a generic sound to them, and it was only after listening to them a second time that I was able to appreciate the lyrics fully. And when Waller tries to inflect a little pop music into songs like “Love to Say Your Name,” the effect falls a little flat.

However, there are two songs on “The Blessing” that outshine the others by a mile: “Calling for A Flood” and “While I’m Waiting.” Both are catchy without being cheesy or sappy. Both songs also capture a heartfelt cry for a deeper relationship with God that will surely inspire listeners to reflect on their own relationship with God.

So while I am not sure any of the songs on Waller’s debut will have the miraculous radio crossover appeal that Mercy Me’s “I Can Only Imagine” did, I am sure “The Blessing” will be welcomed in Christian bookstores everywhere.

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