Speaking of sex (and I was), you have to go pretty low to disgust the trashy New York Post. But Patricia Heaton’s new sitcom, “Back to You” has the tabloid’s TV critic Adam Buckman taking the high ground: “If the makers of ‘Back to You’ could get their heads out of their underpants for two…

Tonight at 10 on NBC, television viewers with meet Dan Vasser (Kevin McKidd) on “Journeyman,” an interesting new drama about a man who suddenly finds himself ripped from moments in his everyday life–getting into a cab, waking up in his bed, even driving a car–to find that he has jumped years and sometimes even decades…

“The Syrian Bride” is an Israeli movie that points to some of the absurdities and everyday tragedies of a long-term conflict like that between Israel and its neighbors. The movie focuses on a Druze family living in the Golan Heights, which Israel captured from Syrian in the 1967 Six Day War. One of the daughters…

It seems all I need to do to create a flood of comments here at Idol Chatter–something that make my editors very happy–is to post my thoughts on either (a) Michael Moore or (b) Kathy Griffin. It’s the latter comedian who put me in hot water with some readers, because I went on a minor…

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