Beliefnet has launched its new social network! We hope you’ll use this exciting new feature to create profiles, express yourself through your journal, post pictures, audio, and video, and join groups to talk about movies, tv, music, and everything else we cover here at Idol Chatter. Check it out here: To get a glimpse…

[Editor’s warning: In case for some reason you haven’t finished HP7, consider yourself warned: spoilers below, but only after the jump, to avoid accidental reading. You’re welcome.] Parental protesters and book banners will be shocked to know that after years of trying to burn Harry Potter at the stake, their efforts were in vain. Far…

Lisa Williams, a spiky-haired Brit, talks to the dead on Lifetime’s “Life Among the Dead,” now in its second season. And now you can win a free “reading” with Lisa. Check it out on Lifetime’s website here.

“Reservation Road,” which opens this Friday, has nothing to do with the forthcoming “Revolutionary Road,” though both are adapted from books about families in crisis. The former, directed by “Hotel Rwanda”‘s Terry George and based on John Burnham Schwartz’s excellent novel of the same name, is set in Stamford, Connecticut, where boats drift across the…

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