A month before its theatrical release, “The Golden Compass“–the movie from the first book in Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” trilogy–is sparking controversy because of what many Christians see as its message of atheism. Here on Idol Chatter, blogger Donna Freitas–co-author, with Jason King, of “Killing the Imposter God: Philip Pullman’s Spiritual Imagination in His Dark Materials“–has been relentlessly defending Pullman, arguing that critics of “The Golden Compass” and its sequels are missing what she calls a “stunning retelling of salvation” that is at the trilogy’s deeply spiritual core. Last week, Donna was invited by New Line Cinema, producer of the movie (opening Dec. 6), to interview Pullman about God, his agenda in writing the books, and the criticism he’s faced. Watch exclusive excerpts from their discussion, courtesy of New Line Cinema:

Pullman on His “Agenda:”
To Tell a Good Story, and Promote Kindness, Love, and Curiosity

More Videos:

Saving God, Not Killing God

Pullman2_watch.jpg His Advice to Parents
Pullman3_watch.jpg Pullman’s Theology
Pullman5_watch.jpg Is “Dust” the Divine?

More on “The Golden Compass” Controversy:

  • Donna Freitas: Christians Shouldn’t Fear Philip Pullman and His Trilogy
  • Rod Dreher: Why I’m Keeping My Kids Away from “The Golden Compass”
  • Donna Freitas on Meeting Pullman: “A Magical Experience
  • Idol Chatter’s Complete “Golden Compass” Coverage
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