I was not fortunate enough to be alive during the Norman Mailer heyday of the 1960s and early 1970s, when his writing on the American scene—from electoral politics to boxing to the space program to the Vietnam war and its discontents—appeared regularly in periodicals. His work was a heady match for his times, and he…

For someone who isn’t an avid short film watcher, it was somewhat surprising that the documentary “Bootyful World” and comedy “Good Luck in Her Eye” could encapsulate their respective stories with the ultimate message of female empowerment in under 30 minutes and give it justice. These films were a part of September’s LA Shorts Fest…

Though Mormonism is the fastest-growing religion in America, Hollywood doesn’t quite represent the rest of the country. Still, there are some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints among Tinseltown’s power players. Whether they’re converts to the faith or lifelong members, these performers and personalities have brought their values along with them…

Russell Crowe–who has long played heroic figures on the big screen while being portrayed off screen as nothing more than an angry brute–has told Men’s Journal magazine that he hopes to be baptized in the near future. The actor, who had his oldest son Charlie baptized, is considering joining his youngest son Tennyson in the…

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