Interesting post by Rod Dreher over at Crunchy Con about the new movie “Bella,” which is being heavily marketed to Christians. The movie is about a woman who becomes pregnant by accident and is planning to have an abortion until she decides not to. See here for Rod’s take.

According to court papers released on Thursday, here is what Britney Spears does with her $737K monthly income (with some editorializing by yours truly): $49,267 on mortgages for two homes. Shouldn’t her payments be lower? $16,000 on clothes: All this for sweat suits, bad wigs, and no underwear. $102,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacation: Too…

Philip Roth’s newest novel, “Exit Ghost” is the ninth–and, it seems, last–to feature Roth’s favorite character and alter-ego, the famous American-Jewish novelist Nathan Zuckerman. We’d first encountered Zuckerman nearly 30 years ago in 1979’s “The Ghost Writer,” a novel that, more than any other of the Zuckerman books, sets the stage for “Exit Ghost.” The…

Kudos to NBC for next week’s Green Week, seven days of green-themed programs. No, they’re not pre-empting our cherished shows for news and documentary reporting on the environment–they’re weaving this theme into everything on the NBC schedule. That means you can still watch “Heroes” and Jay Leno, but you’ll be doing it greenly. Personally, I’m…

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