AmyPicforIdolChatGiveawy.jpgIn celebration of Amy Grant’s newly released greatest hits CD, we’re giving away three copies of the album. And, as luck would have it, we recently did some office spring (er, winter) cleaning, and came across 10 awesome autographed Amy Grant posters from her “Simple Things” 2003 album.
Want one?
Just let us know your favorite memory involving an Amy Grant song by leaving a comment below. The 13 best answers, judged by Idol Chatter editors and submitted by February 5, 2008, will win either a copy of the album or one of the posters (sorry, no choosing).
I’ll start you off. I remember fondly the many slumber parties I attended as a young girl, where my friends and I used to dance around to “Baby Baby” and “Good For Me” while talking about how cool Amy’s babydoll dresses were.
After you’ve posted your own memories, be sure to check out our new interview with Amy where she gives some great advice to today’s young starlets. Paris and Britney, I hope you’re listening.
For complete rules and regulations, click here.

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