Each year at the Oscars there are goof-ups and fashion slips, which make for lots of water cooler banter the next day. But for me, the most lasting moments are the most inspiring ones. This was certainly the “year of the montage,” but it’s the small moments that will live on from this year. Here…

Blogger and fantasy author extraordinaire, Jeffrey Overstreet, came up with a brilliant joke last night as he blogged the Oscars. If only he could have IM’d it to John Stewart so he could have used it. Jeffrey, in referencing “Wicked” star and Tony winner Kristin Chenoweth’s performance in an “Enchanted” number suggested this for a…

I’ll be honest. The whole Miley Cyrus phenomenon makes me a little nervous. Not even Hilary Duff at the height of her “Lizzie Maguire” fame was invited to present at the Oscars and do a sit down with Barbara Walters, but the “Hannah Montana” star was–to the chagrin of some critics. Yes,the adorable, smiley Miley…

It’s a slushy Friday here in NYC, making it extra-nice to find this bit of breaking news in my inbox: Phil Jackson Yells At Pau Gasol’s Ch’i Lakers head coach Phil Jackson, evidently incensed over new acquisition Pau Gasol’s inability to quickly grasp either Jackson’s complicated “triangle” offense or the ineffable fashion in which the…

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