hellboyabepic.jpgI admit to knowing very little about the “Hellboy” franchise, but one of the more interesting tidbits I found surfing the web this past weekend was on Doug Jones, an actor featured in both “Hellboy” movies as well as other Guillermo del Toro productions. Although Jones enjoys working with the acclaimed writer/producer, he almost didn’t do the “Hellboy” franchise for religious reasons but now believes being in the movies have actually deepened his faith.

The actor, who has also starred in “Pan’s Labyrinth” and “The Silver Surfer in addition to playing Abe in “Hellboy,” first looked at the script and thought “Okay I have to respectfully find a way to tell Guillermo I can’t do this movie.” But then Jones, who has some Catholic roots and now refers to himself as a “generic Christian,” reflected on the script further and decided that his faith was actually being “nurtured and challenged” by the storyline.
Even more encouraging to a fellow Christian who is inspired by Christians who are changing culture, Jones has taken some of his cast mates to church with him and discussed with del Toro the topic of the director’s lapsed Catholic faith.
It’s a spiritual discussion that will continue as Jones is likely to be cast in another del Toro film–“The Hobbit.”

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