colbertesquiremagpic.jpgEsquire Magazine’s August 2008 cover is of none other than the king of comedy (at least according to me), Stephen Colbert, posing as a jolly St. Sebastian! St. Sebastian is the Patron Saint of, among many other things, athletes, and he is always portrayed with a number of arrows stuck painfully into his body (complete with drops of blood oozing down).
It’s Esquire’s 75th anniversary, and to celebrate they are re-doing some of their most famous covers. This Colbert-as-St. Sebastian cover is a more lighthearted update of the very famous cover they did of a true athlete, Muhammad Ali, in April 1968, posed as the same saint (Ali is in his boxing shorts). This cover was inspired by the fact that Ali was, as a Muslim, a conscientious objector to Vietnam.
Anyway, back to Colbert: the magazine features more hilarious religious spoof photos of Colbert as Martyr (and a headline that appropriately says: I am a Martyr, and so can you! LOL), as well as Colbert about to be burned at the stake. Check it out. Why wouldn’t you anyway? Who can resist Stephen Colbert?

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