My fellow Idol Chatter bloggers and I have written before about how we believe Will Smith doth protest too much that he is not involved in Scientology. I have even questioned Smith’s claims that all religions are basically the same— including Scientology. Well, Smith is denying his involvement in Scientology yet again–this time to Fox…

The decision that has Harry Potter fans in mourning–Warner Bros. Postponing the movie release of “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” until July 2009–turns out to be a boon for Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” fans. “Twilight,” the movie, was moved up three weeks and now releases on November 21st (Woohoo!) and now Bella and Edward…

Do you feel there’s not enough wholesome kids’ entertainment on TV these days? Have no fear–‘The Banana Splits’ is full of cute, funny jokes and songs that will entertain your little ones and not drive you crazy. embedVideo(1799063618);

In ad campaigns for the drama’s current season, “Gossip Girl” has embraced its seamy side, using quotes from negative reviews as positives to attract viewers to the sex-ridden show. Now a new review, by actor and vocal Christian Stephen Baldwin, has been issued. And Gawker, predicting it’s only a matter of time until a rather…

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