Okay so Sarah Silverman is known for her outrageous comedy skits but this one tops all: she’s done a video urging all Jews in the United States to take Florida by storm, making a special visit to their Jewish grandparents (all of whom, Silverman says, now reside in Florida) to convince these well-meaning, loving elderly folks to get out the vote–for Obama. And while Sarah Silverman is totally hilarious in this video, she is also totally not kidding about what she is calling “The Great Schlep.” She wants Jews to swing Florida for Obama via their Bubbes! The website of “The Great Schlep” greets visitors with the following message:”The Great Schlep aims to have Jewish grandchildren visit their grandparents in Florida, educate them about Obama, and therefore swing the crucial Florida vote in his favor. Don’t have grandparents in Florida? Not Jewish? No problem! You can still become a schlepper and make change happen in 2008, simply by talking to your relatives about Obama.”You can also “Donate to the Schlep.” And see the video of course (so she says the f-word a couple of times–but we’re all pretty much adults here, right, and can handle this?):And while we’re on the topic of funny Jews getting out the vote for Obama and making funny videos, two of my favorite Jewish friends were rather inspired by Sarah Silverman’s “Great Schlep” this weekend and made a HILARIOUS music video called “Hey Sarah Palin“–re-writing all the words to “Hey There Delilah” by the band, Plain White T’s. So again, there is a couple of f-bombs in there but this is not to be missed:Enjoy! (And please don’t throw eggs at me. I’m just the messenger here.)

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