StephenBaldwinpicforic.jpgIn ad campaigns for the drama’s current season, “Gossip Girl” has embraced its seamy side, using quotes from negative reviews as positives to attract viewers to the sex-ridden show. Now a new review, by actor and vocal Christian Stephen Baldwin, has been issued. And Gawker, predicting it’s only a matter of time until a rather provocative quote from that review ends up on a GG ad poster, has taken the initiative of Photoshopping their own ad poster using a Baldwin quote about the campaign: “Mocking God.”
The phrase in question somehow evokes John Lennon’s claim about the Beatles being bigger than Jesus. So here’s a word problem for you: If Stephen Baldwin mocks Gossip Girl, and Gossip Girl mocks God, and the Beatles are bigger than Jesus, then what is the relationship of Stephen Baldwin to the Beatles? And what does this have to do with Paul’s impending visit to the Holy Land? Scroll down two lines for the answer.
[Answer: Nothing. It’s completely unrelated.]
Stephen-Baldwin at

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