truebloodpic.jpgNot according to me!
I am happy to announce that HBO’s “True Blood” is finally here–and I eagerly watched the premiere episode, “Strange Love,” last night.
My thoughts so far (and surely there will be more to come):
1) The show is setting up an interesting dichotomy between religion (in particular Christianity) and the vampire community. The most interesting evidence of this shows up in the series theme song-montage, which is an eerie, fascinating juxtaposition of the southern sacred–Gospel choirs, charismatic religious experiences, road sings outside churches that read “God Hates Vampires” instead of the more typical, “Jesus Saves”–and the erotic profane–naked bodies entangled, vampires sucking on necks. You get the idea.

2) I love the Louisiana setting. The swampy, buggy, humid backwater community is perfect for both the vampire angst and loner angle, as well as adding a dash of humor.
3) So far the characters seem a bit awkward–not quite sinking well into their roles, save Anna Paquin, the lead as Sookie Stackhouse, who is winning, funny, and full of life (for now). She’s running the show (so to speak) so far. I hope her fellow cast members pick up the slack in the episodes going forward.
What did you think?

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