Late last week news broke that someone was trying to extort the Travolta family for $20 million, but no one seemed to know the details. Some thought that the extortion money was to suppress photos taken at the time of Jett Travolta’s death (a horrible thought, if I may editorialize, that paparazzi would intrude on such a time in a family’s life, even if they are celebrities/public figures).
TMZ’s latest report has some additional details that negate the above theory, but the reason for the extortion is still not completely known:

We have now confirmed that the alleged extortion attempt does not involve pictures of Jett as he was dying. As for what the extortion attempt is about….no one will say.
UPDATE: We’ve confirmed the alleged extortion is over the circumstances surrounding Jett’s death, but we have no more specifics. And, we’ve learned, it was Travolta’s reps who contacted cops and lodged the complaint

This kind of extortion plot and media attention must be a horrible addition to what is already a terrible time for the family. I hope that this is the last we hear of extortion plots against a grieving family, and that they can get back to mourning their son.

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