stepheniemeyerinvogue.jpgStephenie Meyer is officially a celebrity, and one whom the queen of all fashion magazines has decided is worthy of watching: in “Dreamcatcher,” the March 2009 issue of Vogue features the author of “Twilight” and those vampires of hers we have come to know and love.
“Dreamcatcher” is a long article (hooray!), and includes everything from her birthplace (Connecticut), to her daily routine (lots of dropping off and picking up the kids with help from hubby), and the role of glamour (or the lack of) in her life (it is Vogue after all):
“As much as she has brought glamour to the lives of teenage girls with her Romeo and Juliet-with-blood lust story, the glamour she surrounds herself with is decidedly unglamorous, unless you are a boy, that is–the backyard is an aspiring athlete’s paradise…For her, happiness is being at home or attending a Little League game or the elementary school band concert. She believes this is what success in writing has given her, a kind of luxury that would not be listed as an asset by the IRS. “Luxury for me is getting to take care of your kids,” she says.”
Though, speaking of glamour, Meyer looks awfully lovely in her photograph, dressed in a long black gown, beautiful, colorful jewels, and that signature red hair flowing down her back. Check it out.

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