Imagine a group of extraordinary beings who battle evil forces for the good of mankind, providing help and justice to those in need, all the while handling high-tech gadgets and sporting colorful, protective gear. This isn’t X-Men, Justice League, or even Watchmen. These beings aren’t even human–instead, they’re “an elite team” of the “finest, battle-trained…

For the Team Edward fans out there, here’s some good news: Guess who is on the cover of April’s GQ? That’s right! Robert Pattinson (aka, Edward Cullen). Writer Alex Pappademas traces Pattinson’s rise from the dead (he was just a random wizard in Harry Potter once, and he did die) to being the heartthrob of…

I certainly was unabashedly harsh in my review of the indie hit “Fireproof” a few weeks ago. Despite its grassroots success, the overtly religious and way-too-cheesy drama about a firefighter’s last ditch attempt to save his marriage is not what I hope for when I think of the future of Christians in filmmaking. And I…

Spiritual memoirs were once a hot commodity in the Christian book market with reflective but accessible reads like Lauren Winner’s “Girl Meets God” and Donald Miller’s ” Blue Like Jazz” finding a wide audience. Of late, most inspirational memoirs seem to me to have ranged from only mildly uplifting to really self-indulgent. Which is why…

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