singingintherain.jpgWell here we are in the midst of “April showers” which I hope will soon give way to “May flowers,” as well as a whole lotta sun!
But while it’s wet, it’s also a good time to curl up with someone you love (or like!) and watch a movie with a great rainy scene or two. Here’s my list of the “Top Five Most Inspiring Rainy Scenes” from movies over the years.
“Singin’ in the Rain”: Is there a more natural, authentic and honest sole scene of sheer joy than when Gene Kelly dances and leaps from pole to pole, singing a tune that will stay with you for days? That was a different kind of pole dancing in a different generation, and it was wonderful!

“The Shawshank Redemption”: When Andy survives the sewer and makes it to the river, is there ever a scene that embodies freedom and justice more than his arms raised and face focused towards heaven and the new life ahead of him?
“Blade Runner”: Ok, admittedly, this is a change of pace here, but the rain plus the darkness just adds so much to the futuristic tone of the flick, and the apparent end of “it never rains in California” helps to transport us into a future that looks as futuristic today as it did back in the ’82 when Ridley made it.
“Say Anything”: When John Cusack makes the post-break-up call from the pay phone against the rainy backdrop, the whole movie seems to come together as the rained on guy seeks to change his destiny. Who of us can’t relate?
“Glengarry Glen Ross”: Yes, it’s certainly not romantic. In fact, it’s the opposite. “Glengarry” is about the grittiest dialogue I’ve ever seen in the movie, unbelievably realistic in its portrayal of desperate guys in a desperate business. The rain only seemed to heighten the depth of the mood while also raising the intensity bar on the frustration levels such that even our audience wanted to jump up and yell at somebody!
There are, of course, many others. “Casablanca,” “Matrix Revolutions,” “Road to Perdition,” “Se7en” and “The Truman Show” all come to mind. The much awaited rain in “The Bridge on the River Kwai” is powerful.” I’m sure there are love scenes in chick flicks that I never saw.
What’s your favorite? Feel free to share your own favorites below.
Gene Kelly at

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