080405_lede_mccarthy.jpgIn case you haven’t heard already, April is Autism Awareness month and today is World Autism Awareness Day. It’s a developmental disorder/cause that’s near to my heart since my husband and I have been helping our eight-year-old son manage and battle his autism for years now.
Autism awareness is a hot cause among celebrities as well, most notably with actress Jenny McCarthy, who’s gone on the stump for a few years now about her son Evan’s autism, her battle against vaccinations (which she believes could be a cause of autism), and her advocacy for autism research and biomedical treatments. Read our interview with McCarthy, about how she “went into warrior mode” to fight for her son.
Actress Holly Robinson Peete, who also has an autistic child, also is using her star power to give a voice to so many who don’t have one. In an interview on justmommies.com, she speaks up for autism awareness, the vaccine controversy, and mainstreaming her son in school.

Then there’s John Travolta and Kelly Preston, whose son Jett recently died. Though they never publically said if their son was autistic, it was widely believed that he was. Read more about scientology’s views on autism and medical care on Beliefnet.
Jenny McCarthy at LocateTV.com

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