The exclusive photo above, titled “Team in Prayer,” is from the documentary, “More Than a Game,” which opens October 2, 2009. The film follow five young friends from Akron, Ohio–one of whom would grow up to become NBA superstar LeBron James–who, despite adversity and great challenges, journey to the high school national basketball championship. Check…

Christians are supposed to see Jesus in everyone, but might not appreciate seeing everyone in Jesus. Or so say the iPhone gatekeepers at Apple. This week Apple rejected a new application that allowed users to crop a picture of their mug or a friend’s into one of several standard depictions of Jesus. The inventor of…

After the firestorm of Vatican opprobrium for “The Da Vinci Code” three years ago, the producers of “Angels & Demons” may have counted on further ecclesial disapproval to help publicize today’s opening of the “Code” sequel. The official Roman Catholic response, however, has been relatively sanguine–perhaps, as Elizabeth Lev points out on Politics Daily, because…

There is no movie I am more excited about right now than the Spike Jonze-directed “Where the Wild Things Are,” opening this fall and based on the classic children’s book by Maurice Sendak. Having watched the trailer several times, I was thrilled to get a chance for more information on “We Love You So,” a…

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