Summer time is my time to catch up on all kinds of overlooked pop culture pearls – whether in music , books, movies, technology- and I love to share my discoveries with readers in hopes they will share perhaps return the favor. I am traveling this summer and would like Idol Chatter readers to make their suggestions for overlooked gems I might want to load on to my iTouch next.
John Mark McMillan and “Skeleton Bones”: This alternative/folk artist from North Carolina is my favorite musical find of the summer and his spiritual song “Skeleton Bones” is getting tons of play on my iPod.
Don Miller & A Revamped ” Searching for God Knows What”: The book after Miller’s hit “Blue Like Jazz” was the thoughtful “Searching for God Knows What,” which was not the bestseller “Jazz” was. Now it is revamped with new material and is complete with new interactive game fans can play.Go back and give it a chance. You’ll be glad you did!
Mary Karr on Twitter: Mary Karr has become my favorite literary hero of the last year. She is powerful enough, charming enough, and smart enough to suck me into joining the twittersphere with her clever poem videos, and super fun fan contests. She has also released her brilliant third memoir “Lit” in paperback and is a must-read this summer.
NRT Mobile: Christian Music Database Okay I know this app has just been out for a few months but it truly is a must have for Christian music enthusiasts.

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