On August 10th, the inspiring story “Letters to God” will be released on DVD from Possibility Pictures and Vivendi Entertainment. Inspired by a true story, the film tells the story of a young boy who faced a daily battle against cancer. Although he had great support from his family and community, he found comfort in prayers written out as his personal letters to God. This film gives hope, faith, and courage that anyone can apply to their personal life. In honor of “Letters to God”, we will be giving away 10 copies.
Post a comment below by August 15, 2010 answering the following question:
What would you write in your letter to God?
Make sure you include your email address in the designated area (it won’t be made public). The 10 best responses–based on the judgment of the Idol Chatter editors–will win a DVD copy of “Letters to God”.
Please read the contest rules and regulations before entering. To learn more about the film watch the “Letters to God” trailer on Beliefnet.

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