
Get your duck calls ready – the famous Robertson family is back on A&E as they begin their fourth season of the popular reality series Duck Dynasty.

In the premiere episode Willie’s wife, Korie, decides to throw Willie’s parents, Phil and and Kay, a surprise wedding because they went to the justice of peace when they decided to tie-the-knot. The Duck Commander gang is present to discuss the wedding plans and playfully tease Willie – calling him “whooped.”

This season Christine – Uncle Si’s wife, Alan – Willie and Kay’s oldest son and Lisa – Alan’s wife will make their debut to the series. Unlike the other brothers, Alan does not have a beard and is joining the show because he wants to spread the message of God to more people.

The Duck Dynasty became a reality when Phil founded the family business – Duck Commander. The company sells the best duck calls and hunting equipment. Phil’s son Willie is now the acting CEO of the family business and since his take-over the company has become a multi-million dollar enterprise.

Tune-in and get ready to laugh on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 to A&E for the season four premiere of Duck Dynasty.

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