Many of us grappled with the question “Where is God during tragedy?”

Unstoppable DVD front view in case-lores_croppedActor Kirk Cameron decided it was time to dig deeper and find the answer in “Unstoppable,” an independent documentary that sold over 260,000 tickets and grossed $3.2 million dollars in its theatrical release during two weeknights last fall. After losing his 15-year-old friend Mathew from cancer, Cameron wanted to understand suffering by going back to Adam and Eve. The film will weave insightful interviews, transparent moments, including the burial of his friend, and dealing with the gaping hole left behind.

“It was like a kick to the stomach,” said Cameron, a father of six. “It took all the air out of my lungs. I found myself asking the question, which frankly, has destroyed people’s belief in God. And that is God, where are you when bad things happen to good people?”

This sent him on a journey to document Mathew’s funeral and burial. The Bible had great answer to the question of why God allows these things happen.

“He’s [God] up to something. Let’s go back and start at page one and let’s climb up to heaven’s  balcony and get a big picture perspective on pain, suffering, and death. And so we go back to the Garden of Eden and that’s where the movie begins,” Cameron said.

Through the trials of Cain, Abel, Noah and the flood, and the crucifixion of Christ, God remained in control the 43-year-old affirmed.

kirk2“Unstoppable” hit a snag in July. Facebook and You Tube banned his trailer and fan’s from posting links to promote the film calling it “unsafe.”  The trailer was unblocked after an outcry from supporters. Facebook said the address purchased for the movie was one used as a spam site and it still was not updated.

“He’s [God] steering all of it to work together for good for you and me,” the star from “Fireproof” said. “That gives me hope and confidence that I can trust the Author of the story we are in. If we could just hold onto the last chapter we’ll close that book and say ‘Hallelujah.’”

Check out the DVD, with study guides, additional footage, and more.

Also, get an exclusive link to Kirk’s new film “Mercy Rule” about family’s journey in patience, sacrifice, and courage for Valentine’s Day!




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