same-kind-of-different as me - Book Cover

Academy Award-winning actress Renee Zellweger returns to the big screen, along with Academy Award nominees Greg Kinnear and Djimon Hounsou in the upcoming faith-based film, “Same Kind of Different As Me.”

The film follows the story of Ron Hall (Kinnear), an international art dealer who befriends a dangerous homeless man (Hounsou), in order to save his struggling marriage to his wife, Debbie Hall (Zellweger), a woman whose dreams will lead all three of them on the most remarkable journey of their lives.

Academy Award winner Jon Voigt plays Hall’s father, with whom he reconciles thanks to the revelations of his new life.

Disney Channel star Olivia Holt has recently joined the cast, and will play Regan, the daughter of Ron and Debbie Hall.

Paramount Pictures announced that filming began in late October in Jackson, Mississipi.

The film is based off the best-selling nonfiction book, written by Ron Hall and Denver Moore with Lynn Vincent, author of the bestselling book, “Heaven is For Real.”

No release date has been set.

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