After 57 years of being hung up, now a war hero’s story is on the big screen. Unbroken, a true story based on U.S. POW and 1936 Olympic runner Louie Zamperini will be released on Christmas Day. The timing could not be more perfect said director and producer Angelina Jolie, who was emotionally engaged with Louie’s story after reading Laura Hillenbrand book of the same name.

“I was half way through his book, and I felt inspired, and on fire, and feeling better,” said Jolie. “I realized if this was having this effect on me, and I know it had this effect on so many other people– isn’t this what we needed to put forward into the world at this time? I believe it is…”

Unbroken-Stills-2014-WallpapersThe movie will follow the terror of  drifting in the open Pacific for 47 days, the horrors of being a prisoner-of-war, and the conclusion of the war.

Zamperini enlisted in the Army Air Force before Pearl Harbor. He was on a rescue mission in the Pacific when the plane crashed into the ocean killing eight of 11 men on board. The Japanese navy “rescued,” and sent them Louie and Phil to camp, where they were tortured for over a year.  Mac would die of dehydration.

Universal acquired the rights Devil at My Heels in 1957 based on Zamperini’s experiences, but it was shelved because Tony Curtis went on to star in Spartacus.

Now is the time said Jolie, who has the support of Zamperini’s two children Cissy and Luke.

Angeling with Louie Oconnell

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